Friday Night Awesomeness!

This is me bawling because my boss won’t be my boss in a week.

He just sent me “business”-related stuff, aka an evaluation of me that I’m supposed to review by Monday, and… I didn’t realize that I’m so highly regarded by him. He makes me sound like I can (and do!) do everything. Which is so freaking empowering. My contributions are being noticed! 🙂 I feel like he really knows and understands me as a person… I really want to become his friend outside of the job.

Other than re-realizing this fact I had a kick-awesome night. My roomies (both past and present) went to go see Hellogoodbye downtown, and goodness, they were good! And not only that, but all of the opening bands (yes, all – there were three: Now Now Every Children, You Me and Everyone We Know, and Gold Motel) were amazing as well. I have so much new music to buy.

Hellogoodbye could not accurately be described if the word “adorable” wasn’t involved. They are a group of guys that seemed to be pulled straight out of the fifties, complete with the Woody Allen glasses, button-up shirts, and nice-fitting jeans. There was even a trombone player on stage with them… a little bit too perfect, if you ask me. The stage was decorated with four wooden boxes with a word engraved into each one, spelling out “Would It Kill You?” (which is the name of their new album) with Christmas lights illuminating them. This totally made me feel like I was standing outside on a warm summer’s night listening to these guys perform… and that I should be wearing my saddle shoes, a big poofy skirt, and a bow in my hair while I was dancing along to the music. Everything was so simple, yet so perfect. Not to mention their music, which was wonderful! I was only familiar with their old stuff (aka Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! … and only a couple songs from it at that) so hearing all of their happy, adorable new music was quite uplifting and put me in a good mood.

What was also cool about tonight was that Anna (my roommate from last year, who was with us) is friends with Now Now Every Children, who as I mentioned before was an opener. So we got to talk to them after the show. They seemed so nice! And they were quite cute too – all three of them are very tiny!

The one thing that I wasn’t so okay with was this creepy guy trying to dance with my friends and me. He just made us feel… uncomfortable. I’d like to think that I can do anything that I want to by myself – that I can go out with my girlfriends and have a great time and not be bothered by people like him. I guess the sad reality is that there really are people out there that are forward enough to verbally and physically make moves on us because we are women who aren’t “protected” by men. In no way did I appear to be interested in or looking to find someone; I was simply excited to be out with my girlfriends at a great show. Yet why is it so acceptable to think that if we are not with a guy, we want to find one? I don’t like the attention, especially because I know what their motives are, and it makes me really nervous and scared for my own safety. The world is a lot more twisted than I tend to realize, which makes me really sad. Equality between men and women, it seems, still doesn’t happen everywhere, in every situation. Women are still very vulnerable, and what’s really upsetting is how many will fall victim to these actions. (not that all of them despise it like I do either, but I feel that that’s an entirely different issue)

When the guy approached me I instantly wished for Davis – for his protection and his company, because I think he would have enjoyed the show too. I wish we could have danced to “Here (In Your Arms)” together. I’m so grateful that he looks out for me… he’s such a gentleman. 🙂 Thank you to all of the guys that are kind-hearted, who help and look out for us. We really appreciate your care, love, support, and protection.

Even through all of this, I had a great night. After the concert we went to Denny’s and listened to ridiculous songs on the way home. I’m sleepy now. My throat’s a little sore, and I cough often when I talk. But after all the fun I had tonight, I’d say it was worth it. 🙂